Despite the blistering heat, we are managing well. I’m glad to say that my blisters are looking pretty darned good and healing well. Progress will still be dependent on the condition of my blisters, however.

Along the Loneliest Road in America sits a tiny little town literally in the middle of nowhere – elevation 4,600 feet and population 17 (Formerly 18).
NOTE: Middlegate is actually our next planned stop for Day 15 (July 16), but we drove here after my last walking stop point because my feet and my body needed some time to heal. We’ll drive back to the location of where I stopped walking later tonight. That way I can start walking where I left off first thing tomorrow morning.
From 1860 through the early 1900s, Middlegate Station served as a stage and freight stop for nearby gold and silver mines. The Pony Express officially ceased operations in 1861, but the Middlegate Station remained. When the Lincoln Highway was constructed right in front of the station, it became a convenient stop for travelers as it was the only gas station for nearly 50 miles in either direction. If it weren’t for that little station, Middlegate probably would’ve been long gone.
Remnants of Middlegate Station’s role in the legendary American west can be seen all around the grounds.

Once a spot where the Pony Express changed horses, today it’s known for two things: A tree full of discarded shoes and a quaint, old west restaurant called Middlegate Station.

Middlegate Station’s ceiling is also somewhat famous. It’s covered with signed and dated dollar bills and other foreign currency from customers.

I had the opportunity after dinner to tell yet another person about The Walk, The National Emergencies Act and the Covid-19 Emergency Declaration. It was great to enlighten yet another individual.
We prepared the vehicles, and ourselves, to continue the walk. I can’t wait to get on the road again.
I was surprised tonight when Bubba’s sister made an unexpected appearance. It was great to see her. And, she brought some of Bubba’s ashes for me. Now, he is riding along just like he wanted.

I did a brief stream this evening. Check it out for further details here: 7/15/22 Day 14 walk update
Be sure to follow me on the new Grey Wolf Walk Facebook page.
Until next time! Come join me, and Walk for a Mile, or Walk for a While.
Such a wonderful, heartfelt tribute from Bubba’s sister. There is no doubt that Bubba has been watching over you, now he is there with you.
Thank you for giving us a bit of history of our country as you trek through.
Your walk across America is capturing the history of this great country and each blog is like a new chapter. We look forward each day to the next one.