I did a live stream today to give updates to my supporters, most of which is already covered in the blogs for the past several days.
After Delta, UT we’ll be moving on towards Spanish Fork, UT. because again, there’s a section in between where there’s not much population. We need to go where the people are.
Yesterday while Whiskey Tango and I walked about 4 miles around the community, we stopped and talked to and handed out business cards to the many people we met as well as the business establishments we went into. The locals are 100% behind us. Some have even said they’d come meet us on Saturday morning to walk with us. That’s what this is all about. It’s about getting more people involved in getting our country back. That’s the plan…to get and inform the people what it is that they need to do to get involved and how to get active and go about doing that. That’s what this walk is for. It’s not about counting the number of steps we take or how many miles we walk. So, we’re trading up and bouncing ahead when there’s like a 30-40 mile stretch of nothing. When we do that, we save time, we use less resources and expenses on fuel, food and lodging for the times we stay at an RV park. That way we can talk to more people in this finite amount of time that we have to get things done.
If you watch today’s stream, I give some of the logistics it takes to run a live stream between myself and with Texas Girl behind the scenes at her home in Oregon. It takes a lot of time and effort to do these streams. That’s why we need Community or Local Ambassadors to help us out and do things like call local news media to tell them about the walk.
Take Miss Rayette, she’s a prime example of what a “Community Walk Ambassador” would be. She is a firecracker for talking to the freedom-lovers of this country from Delta to Spanish Fork. She posted our link everywhere she could help get the word out about The Walk. That’s the kind of people that we need…ones who can communicate with their local communities and tell them to come and check this walk out, even after we have gone through their town!
We want you to get excited about joining our movement and becoming a volunteer. Use your talents and passions where they can be put to the best use. Here are some of our needs and ways you can help:
– Walk Ambassadors – those who will go ahead of us and do things like set up camp, talk to the locals, hand out the business cards, find willing Community Walk Ambassadors.
– Community Walk Ambassadors – those who will help get the people of their community involved and get the Press ready…the media, the papers, the radio stations! Contact the Chambers of Commerce, the Sheriff’s Department. Get them all ready and excited for when we get there.
– Writers – those who watch the live streams and have the knowledge and ability to write blogs to put on our website.
– Marketers – those with marketing and PR knowledge who can help raise awareness through social media and fundraising.
Join the Grey Wolf Wolf’s Den Discord. We post a 24-hour invite link in each live stream. We have a volunteer application there and a great group of leaders who will guide you through the process.

That being said, it’s also vital that we communicate well with one another so our efforts aren’t duplicated. There have been a few instances in the past where some of the people from chat contacted certain organizations and we weren’t aware that they did so. When we contacted those organizations according to the appropriate timeline and schedule we created, we were told that they’d already been notified several times by other people. We LOVE the passion and are grateful for the efforts, so let’s work together to accomplish these goals and do so in an orderly fashion. We want, need and would love you to have you on board with us!
Earlier this afternoon, Sam from the Millard County Chronicle Progress came out to interview me. He posted up on the paper’s Facebook page today about the Community Walk tomorrow morning at 9am and will be writing a column which will appear in next week’s Chronicle Progress. Can’t wait to read it!
Today we spent a good deal of the day in the Grey Wolf’s Wolf Den Discord voice channel “The Lounge” with some of our supporters. Some of you offered some fabulous ideas. It was a great brainstorming session after the live stream. Some even agreed to become volunteers to help us out. Awesome!! I look forward to more of your great ideas and insights!
Rayette stopped by again tonight and brought a toy for Abby. Awwwww. So sweet! She said her husband Dan will be dropping her off in the morning so she could join us in our Community Walk.
I look forward to seeing you all again tomorrow. Good night and God bless!
Yay for some media attention! That’s so exciting!