Today we celebrate the birth of our great country…246 years!!! The love I have for my country is what inspired the Grey Wolf Walk for Freedom. We need to let this country know that we are proud Americans who deserve, and want to restore, our God-given rights according to our Constitution.
I started the day singing “The Star-Spangled Banner”, our beautiful National Anthem which was written by Francis Scott Key.

I got an inspiring text today from Steve Spurgoen who offered his song, “Wake Up in the USA” to be our Walk’s theme song. Check out the bottom of our home page if you’d like to listen to this great song. Make sure to pay attention to the lyrics.
“Thank you for your sacrifice to remind Americans what it takes to keep our nation great. Your willingness to sacrifice yourself for others is the foundational value that keeps America going in the right direction. God bless you as you walk today on this great day and in our nation’s history. Happy Fourth of July!”
– Steve Spurgeon
Today was a short day, but it was a good day. I developed a blister, which almost every walker or runner in history has had to deal with. I also needed a shorter, pace-setting day to work out the kinks in my body and keep a steady pace. I stopped at several memorials, to honor those who have lost their lives on this road.

I really appreciated the good words from the chatters today. My mods are able to read my chat to me, and it really helps keep me going to have everyone talking to me. I asked U.S. history trivia questions to my subscribers and got some great responses. I really appreciate everyone howling, singing along, asking questions and being there with me.

I feel good about today, and am looking forward to tomorrow. I was originally going to try a 26 mile day, but am going to do a few shorter legs, work on healing the blister and work on setting my pace.
Thank you all for joining me today. FREEDOM!

No one should ever feel bad about a shorter day. Every length of day has it’s purpose when you’re training for something… which is kind of what you’re doing these first several weeks. Good job!