US HWY 50 MM 2 to just shy of MM 12, Eureka County, NV, 9.6 miles
Yet another encouraging day! Before we started walking yesterday, a few went ahead to the next stopping point to unload the trailer and a vehicle and returned in time to start the walk with us. At some point during the day while we were gone, someone anonymously dropped off a crate full of canned goods by the trailer. I’d like to thank this person…whoever you are…for this generous donation! That was extremely thoughtful and much appreciated!
We met a lovely couple last night where we camped. Frank and Mikayla are here on vacation from Germany driving through this part of the country to take in the sites and the beautiful scenery. Frank agreed to a short interview with me in today’s stream.
Frank said that freedom is one of the most important things in his life. He said that in Germany, the people’s freedoms were taken away at the start of the pandemic. It was the perfect opportunity for the rich politicians to take control over the people by causing fear and panic. The people are now slowly beginning to wake up to reality. The people have the power to change things…not the politicians…not the money. All of the past revolutions have been done by the people and not the politicians. Frank said that revolutions don’t need to be “forceful” [violent], but peaceful. He said what I’m doing here is very important to make the people wake up and see what’s going on with the politicians, the elite people of money and the World Economic Forum and their minions. The more people you can get to join you the better it will be.
Hmmm…I like the way this guy thinks! Sounds like we’re both on the same page!
I’ve been trying to hook up with James Topp for a few weeks now. As a form of peaceful protest, James has been marching across Canada for some of the same reasons that I’m doing my walk. Today, his assistant, Esther, called me to get the ball rolling. We want to get Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson from Canada to set up a panel with James and me. Laura-Lynn interviewed me back on March 9 and we exchanged phone numbers after that interview. As soon as I ended my conversation with Esther, I called Laura-Lynn. She hadn’t heard about my walk and she was very excited about it and agreed to do the panel. We’ll let you know once we get the date and time. It’ll be epic!
See you tomorrow!