Hickison Petroglyph, NV to US HWY 50 MM 2, Eureka County, NV 10.2 Miles
As I mentioned in my first stream this morning, we finally got the parts to fix the Beechwood after two different carriers “lost” three different and identical packages that were sent with the supplies we needed. It took them a week to deliver the parts even though we paid for overnight shipping. Crazy, right?
Yesterday as we were en route from the RV Park in Austin to the Petroglyphs, our last walk stopping point, a van pulled over. The driver, Cindy, had been looking for us so she could join the walk. She lives in Virginia and had originally begun her own movement starting in Maine in which she had already walked 100 miles. When she heard me on one of my live streams inviting people to join the Grey Wolf Walk for Freedom, she decided to accept my invitation, so she drove several days to catch up with us! When she found us, I asked her what had brought her such a long way from home. She replied, “You invited me!” If you watched today’s stream, you’ll see she’s a real pro!

Today we actually had 6 people walking at various times. We started out with Cindy, Patti and me. Later in the day Whiskey Tango switched places with Patti, then Road Runner and Shot Gun decided to join in for a bit.
Weather Cat was keeping us apprised of the various storms around us. When we stopped for what we thought was a short break, I asked the team, whether we should call it a day because it looked like the weather was about to hit us. Just as I finished that sentence, lightning struck the street where we would have been walking had we left the vehicle after the break. Looks like someone above gave us our answer.
Are you doing your part by contacting your representatives? Be sure to demand an answer. Have you looked up “Charge Master” yet? Do your own research on that so you can see the outrageous “benefits” that are paid to medical and other facilities due to the C-19 state of emergency. If that doesn’t motivate you, I don’t know what will.
In the meantime, I want you to think about joining us like Cindy did. She accepted my invitation…will you?
Nice to see you waking again….with a larger little team of walkers! You seriously need to get a refund on the shipping. 🙂